Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween embarrassment kids are finally old enough that I embarrass them instead of the other way around. I LOVE IT!! Last night, both of them went to neighborhood Halloween parties, so Lon & I were home alone handing out the candy for the first time since our kids were born. I got a wild hair and decided to dress up in an old devil costume I had.(Pitchfork, horns the whole 9 yards!) I was having a ball handing out candy to the little trick or treaters, when a big group of kids approached our house and I realized it was barrett and his group of friends(the girls had dressed as elves and the boys were reindeer...sooo cute)anyway, the look on barrett's face when he realized that I was in costume....mortified would be an understatement!! Plus, when I saw it was them, I told them to wait while i got my camera (scrapbooker that I am, I couldn't let that photo op get away) and right before I took the picture, I flourished my cape around and said "I am Barrett's MOM!!" whereupon, he yelled in a horrified voice "MOM!!" It was great! When he got home from trick or treating, he proceeded to inform me that what i had done was not in the least bit funny and that I had embarrassed him terribly, to which I replied "You know what, I could embarrass you every day for the next 5yrs and maybe then, we might be even." Because, for the first 2-3 yrs of that kids life, if anyone even looked at him sideways or, God forbid, spoke to him, he would scream his fool head off in a pitch so high that I'm pretty sure only dogs could hear. It got to the point that I dreaded going to church because I knew that about 15-20 min after dropping him off at the nursery or Bible class, they would come get Lon or me because he was bawling so bad. Birthday parties, family get-togethers etc,etc all the other kids would be playing and he would be clinging on to me or Lon. You can imagine what a trip to the Dr.'s office was like, Dr Young still talks about how he used to act! He's pretty infamous around there! Talk about embarrassing. What is funny is that about age 3 he did a complete turnaround and became this outgoing kid that, honestly, did not know a stranger, he still is. So.... it is now my turn to get a little payback, and it is so sweet.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Out of the loop

I really feel out of the loop considering I have never seen one single episode of 24! Everyone who watches it seems to be addicted. Well, I have my own tv addictions, Rachel Ray & Alton Brown. I don't think I can squeeze in any more! Even tho I am completely inept in the kitchen (if it can't be opened with a can opener, it's probably not in my kitchen!) I am completely addicted to the Food Network, but purely for the entertainment value. It just fascinates me that they can make it look so completely effortless. I know that RR has a whole legion of people that hate her perkiness, I think she is just hilarious. (and I usually am really annoyed by perky) and AB, if you've never seen him, I highly recommend his show Good Eats, very entertaining! Especially if you have ever wondered why it is bad to overmix pancake batter! :-) However, there are 2 new shows that I love. So here goes, confession time, Gene Simmons-Family Jewels and Little People,Big World. (I think they are both on A & E) I thought the Simmons family would be just like the Osbornes, but not so. Gene Simmons has managed to raise what appear to be 2 really level headed, nice kids. They don't spew profanity with every breath and don't seem to be spoiled brats. Gene's a little weird, but who didn't expect that?
LPBW is about a family of little people parents who have 4 kids, only 1 of which is a little person. It shows that they are a normal family dealing with normal "family stuff" but also overcoming the obstacles that come from being little. It is really a cool show.
Well.....upcoming gubernatorial (sp?) election....what to do, what to do. Normally, I'm Republican, but I'm not real impressed with Rick Perry. (one of my family said about him "He may be an idiot, but he's our idiot!"-hmmmm thats scary!) I have been the black sheep in our family ever since i voted for Ann Richards in 1990, but she was a good governor and i'm not sorry i voted for her. (Hello??? does anyone remember Clayton Williams? enough said) Carol Strayhorn seems like a good choice, just don't know enough about her yet, but i will educate myself about ALL the candidates positions so that i can make an informed vote. Not voting is just not an option. i find it so exciting to be able to vote and usually take my kids with me so they can see democracy in action and show them that everyones vote is important. OK, no more preaching. I find Kinky intriguing, but he really turned me off on his commercials when he quoted the Bible and called himself the "Good Shepherd".....Uhhh, sorry dude, not even close, I'm pretty sure that parable was talking about Jesus, not a candidate for TX governor!! Besides, when MN experimented with an out of the box candidate, I don't think it worked out so well. All this to say, I'm not that thrilled with any of the choices, so I'll do my research and see, who knows? maybe Chris Bell is my guy, but I doubt it. We'll see.

Monday, October 23, 2006

No more whining

Well, that last post was rather whiney wasn't it? Arlene, thankyou for the kind words. After posting that Mon nite, I went to leaders mtg on Tues morn, there, I got a reality check on being overloaded. I just thought I was busy and stressed out, there are several BSF leaders that are caring for terminally ill parents and in-laws (some both) not to mention health problems of their own, and one lady's husband is in the middle stages of Alzheimers. Yet, these Godly women continue to serve without one word of complaint. They are truly my role models. So, at this point I will quit comlaining and drop to my knees and thank God for his unbelievable blessings in my life, for my health, for the fact that I am able to work part-time not full time, that my kids are healthy and are pretty self-sufficient, my parents are healthy and live nearby, for the fact that I have a home (even if it is untidy sometimes) and for the awesome privilidge of serving God by teaching children in the BSF program. For this, and so much more, I thank God!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Wow! It's been over a month since I've posted. I just can't seem to catch up, i feel like I'm always running from one thing to the next and not doing a very good job of anything. About March of last year I was called into leadership in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), even though I did not feel in any way that I was "leadership material", I honestly felt God's calling on my life to do this. The area I was asked to lead was in the children's area. I am not in any way a "kid" person, but I felt the Holy Spirit would equip me in all areas that I was lacking. So, I agreed and have been a Children's Leader since March. It is a pretty big time committment and this year I have felt overwhelmed with my home responsibilities, BSF, job(Weds & Fridays) kids, etc,etc. I have prayed & prayed about this, I don't want to let anything slide, but it seems that lately everything is sliding. Even though I really feel that this is where God wants me, sometimes I just want to scream "I QUIT!" but then I remember that it isn't about what I want, but being obedient to His will. My problem is that I am so disorganized and I don't use my time wisely, both things I need to work on and BSF is forcing me to do this. So, here i sit blogging instead of getting my lesson done that I am behind on (as usual). Well, enough about that.
Another thing that I'm grouchy about, our Rebels lost to the Sandies AGAIN!! The last 2 years they have basically beaten themselves, very frustrating. My bro-in-law says the sandies always find a way to win, even if they have to cheat. (Actually, I added that last part) But seriously, we really got jobbed by the refs this year. I know....Waaaahh, waaahhh. And then, don't EVEN get me started on the Sooners, we all know they got screwed, and then to add insult to injury Adrian Peterson breaks his collarbone and is out for the season. The football gods are just not smiling on our teams. Except for Barrett's team, they are undefeated!!!Yea!! Today was his second week back after breaking his arm. He plays with his cast on. It comes off in about 10 days, can't wait, that thing stinks to high heaven!!!
Just got back from spending the weekend at a scrapbooking retreat. I don't do retreats very often (scrapbook, spiritual or otherwise) because when it gets nighttime, I like to go to bed with my husband in my own bed, not climb up on a bunk bed that was built for an 8yr old!! But, I agreed to this one because I am so behind on my scrapbooking, I haven't done much of anything since I started leadership. It was a great weekend of fellowship with friends and I'm really glad I went. My Creative Memories consultant was called in to BSF leadership about the same time I was and we had a great heart to heart talk, she is struggling with the very same issues that I am, concerning juggling BSF, job, motherhood etc,etc.It was good to find that we have an ally in each other, not to mention a prayer partner. But, spending the weekend doing that, just threw me that much more behind on my Bible study and my house looks like a pigsty!! Don't know that I'll ever be completely caught up.......

Friday, September 15, 2006

Mother of the year

Well, just got back from the dr's ofc where my son Barrett got a cast on his broken arm. He is 12 and this is his first broken bone. I know I am fortunate, some people's kids are such maniacs that they become very acquanted with the ER staff at a young age. Not so with Barrett, he has always been a cautious, rule-following kind of kid. He is, however, not one to suffer in silence. If he has the slightest ache or pain, he howls to the "blue corn moon" like he has just had a limb amputated! Consequently, neither Lon or I take him very seriously when he gets hurt. So.....Monday was his first football game to play for his school (up until now he has kids inc football and his dad was the coach). I was a little nervous since he weighs 90lbs. soaking wet and some of those boys are shaving already!! In the 2nd qtr, he got injured and had to come out of the game. I went over to see what the problem was and he started crying. I told him he needed to "dry it up" because all of his friends were watching. Lon was so mad at him, he thought he was being a weenie. After the game was over, his wrist was pretty swollen but they told to put ice on it and it should be ok. That night Lon gave Barrett this big talk about being tough and playing thru the pain, that football was a tough sport and you are going to get banged around but you can't come out of the game crying every time that happens. I also had given him a talk about "crying wolf" every time he gets hurt and how are we supposed to know if he is really hurt when everytime something happens he acts like its the end of the world. Well, Tues morn. it was still pretty swollen and tender, so his coach had us take him to the Tascosa Athletic Trainer who said it was probably a sprain, but if it was still swollen in 2 days, we'll need to get it x-rayed. Thursday morn, it was still swollen and painful, so I took him to Dr Higgins and guess what? His radius (the larger of the 2 bones in the forearm) is broken!I felt terrible. I told him "Boy, Daddy is going to feel really bad about not believing you." (hoping that he had forgotten about what i had said) To which he replied "You can't be talking Mom, you told me to dry it up!" So much for him not remembering! So, he's got a cast on for 6wks, but the dr said he can start playing again in 3 wks. (YIKES! Not sure I want him to) He is so disappointed, he was absolutely ecstatic about finally getting to play football for deZavala and the first game he gets hurt. I told him "oh well, theres always next year". I'm hoping he'll lose his zeal for the game by then, but I'm pretty sure thats not gonna happen. He LOVES it, just like his dad. He can't wait to play for the Rebels like Lon did. The next few years are gonna be nerve wracking for ole Mom.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

still sad

I can't seem to shake this feeling of sadness and grief over the death of Steve Irwin. I'm not sure why, except that I'm one of the millions of people who felt like they knew him even though I didn't. My heart aches for his wife and kids and I keep putting myself in Terri's place trying to break that news to an 8yr old that adores her daddy and a 2yr old that really has no understanding what it is all about. I, myself have a daughter that absolutely worships the ground her dad walks on and the thought of having to tell her that he is gone is beyond what I can bear to think about. But, thank God, I don't have to tell her that, and starting now, I am going to try to stop obsessing about it. So, I am going to follow Paul's advice to the Philippians in chapter 4:8 "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." To that end, I am going to turn off the TV!!
Speaking of TV, I have been convicted by the Spirit in the last few months that TV & the newspaper have become idols in my life that I put before God. I confess that I don't read my Bible every day, but I NEVER miss a day reading the paper, I am a total news junkie. There's nothing wrong with that, unless it gets in the way of deepening your relationship with the Father. Which, for me, it does. So, as we begin this new school year, I have committed anew to lay down the newspaper and turn off the TV. I know I don't even want to know how much of my time that I waste staring at the TV. It's time to wean off.
Another verse that has really jumped out at me lately is Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Before, I had always focused on the "God's workmanship" part of that verse, which is awsome, but lately, I have been struck by the fact that IN ADVANCE, God prepared good works for us to do, but, you notice it doesn't say that He will force us to do those works. I firmly believe in the prompting of the Holy Spirit and I think that there have been many times that I turned my back on that prompting and the good work that He had prepared for me to do, either went undone or someone else did it, because I was either hesitant or afraid of looking foolish, or possibly I was just so busy being caught up in day to day, insignificant details. Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating any kind of "works-based" salvation. On the contrary, I know that we are saved by faith, and that based on that faith we in turn, do good works. But, I do think that, once in heaven, we will be called to account for the good works that we have done (or not done) and possibly (just my thoughts here) we will be commended for the good works we have done, but will be shown all the things that we could've done but didn't. What would have been different had we done those things. I am praying to be more attentive to the Spirit's leading and not leave anything "on the table" so to speak.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A sad day

yesterday was an absolutely awesome day! Our church (Central CofC) preacher switched pulpits with another church (Washington Ave Christian Church). This was a pretty big step for our church and their preacher was excellent. His name is Jim Shelburne and he is a natural, easy speaker, not to mention hilarious. He was talking about the church being made up of parts and that the church needs all of them, but that in the years he has been in ministry, he has come across quite a few "rear-ends"!!! and that was OK because the church needs all of its parts! Brought the house down. But, as funny as it was, I know he wasn't kidding, I'm sure that is absolutely true. I have so much respect for those who work in ministry for that very reason, and I pray that I have never been in that "rear-end" category but I'm sure that at one time or another, we have all been rear ends! haa
Well, the reason i titled this post "a sad day"....I found out this morning that one of our family's favorite "TV people" Steve Irwin died in a tragic accident yesterday. My daughter is a huge animal lover and that is how i came to know about steve, thru her watching him on Animal Planet. He has become a fixture in our household the last few years. I love that guy, and I am always very touched by his tender heart toward all God's creatures, especially those that aren't so cuddly and lovable. My heart and prayers go out to his family, especially Terri and his 2 little children, who must now grow up without him in their lives. A sad day, indeed.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

My son would say I'm a "newb"

well, here I go....I have decided to dive into this blogging thing with full disclosure that I am ...well I guess the politically correct term for would be "technologically challenged"! I'm sure that is pretty obvious, by the fact that I still capitalize proper nouns and type in full words and sentences! When I see what my son types to his friends, it is apparent that they use abbreviations and numbers and symbols for everything! Oh well, I'm old school, but learning! In fact, while I have been setting this blog up, both of my kids have come in to see what I'm doing, when I told them, they were incredulous! "Mom, YOU are going to do a blog? NO WAY!!" Well, ....way. So, this boring little blog will be mainly about our family and our comings and goings and the occasional "hmmm.... I wonder" thought that goes through my brain.
Today was a good day in our family because the Sooners won. (Just barely...might be a long season since we lost our cheater QB!)
Looking forward to tomorrow, as our pastor and one from another church (different denomination) are "trading pulpits" for the day. I love our preacher and will defenitely miss him, but I look forward to hearing Jim Shelburne preach at our church. Very exciting for our church and defenitely a step in a new, positive direction. Things they are a changin' for our church and I am soooo excited about what the future holds. God is moving in this body! I love it. Has been a long time coming. Well, I better get some sleep because I am in NO WAY a morning person and that alarm in the a.m. just irritates the crap out me.