Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween embarrassment kids are finally old enough that I embarrass them instead of the other way around. I LOVE IT!! Last night, both of them went to neighborhood Halloween parties, so Lon & I were home alone handing out the candy for the first time since our kids were born. I got a wild hair and decided to dress up in an old devil costume I had.(Pitchfork, horns the whole 9 yards!) I was having a ball handing out candy to the little trick or treaters, when a big group of kids approached our house and I realized it was barrett and his group of friends(the girls had dressed as elves and the boys were reindeer...sooo cute)anyway, the look on barrett's face when he realized that I was in costume....mortified would be an understatement!! Plus, when I saw it was them, I told them to wait while i got my camera (scrapbooker that I am, I couldn't let that photo op get away) and right before I took the picture, I flourished my cape around and said "I am Barrett's MOM!!" whereupon, he yelled in a horrified voice "MOM!!" It was great! When he got home from trick or treating, he proceeded to inform me that what i had done was not in the least bit funny and that I had embarrassed him terribly, to which I replied "You know what, I could embarrass you every day for the next 5yrs and maybe then, we might be even." Because, for the first 2-3 yrs of that kids life, if anyone even looked at him sideways or, God forbid, spoke to him, he would scream his fool head off in a pitch so high that I'm pretty sure only dogs could hear. It got to the point that I dreaded going to church because I knew that about 15-20 min after dropping him off at the nursery or Bible class, they would come get Lon or me because he was bawling so bad. Birthday parties, family get-togethers etc,etc all the other kids would be playing and he would be clinging on to me or Lon. You can imagine what a trip to the Dr.'s office was like, Dr Young still talks about how he used to act! He's pretty infamous around there! Talk about embarrassing. What is funny is that about age 3 he did a complete turnaround and became this outgoing kid that, honestly, did not know a stranger, he still is. So.... it is now my turn to get a little payback, and it is so sweet.

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