Friday, September 15, 2006

Mother of the year

Well, just got back from the dr's ofc where my son Barrett got a cast on his broken arm. He is 12 and this is his first broken bone. I know I am fortunate, some people's kids are such maniacs that they become very acquanted with the ER staff at a young age. Not so with Barrett, he has always been a cautious, rule-following kind of kid. He is, however, not one to suffer in silence. If he has the slightest ache or pain, he howls to the "blue corn moon" like he has just had a limb amputated! Consequently, neither Lon or I take him very seriously when he gets hurt. So.....Monday was his first football game to play for his school (up until now he has kids inc football and his dad was the coach). I was a little nervous since he weighs 90lbs. soaking wet and some of those boys are shaving already!! In the 2nd qtr, he got injured and had to come out of the game. I went over to see what the problem was and he started crying. I told him he needed to "dry it up" because all of his friends were watching. Lon was so mad at him, he thought he was being a weenie. After the game was over, his wrist was pretty swollen but they told to put ice on it and it should be ok. That night Lon gave Barrett this big talk about being tough and playing thru the pain, that football was a tough sport and you are going to get banged around but you can't come out of the game crying every time that happens. I also had given him a talk about "crying wolf" every time he gets hurt and how are we supposed to know if he is really hurt when everytime something happens he acts like its the end of the world. Well, Tues morn. it was still pretty swollen and tender, so his coach had us take him to the Tascosa Athletic Trainer who said it was probably a sprain, but if it was still swollen in 2 days, we'll need to get it x-rayed. Thursday morn, it was still swollen and painful, so I took him to Dr Higgins and guess what? His radius (the larger of the 2 bones in the forearm) is broken!I felt terrible. I told him "Boy, Daddy is going to feel really bad about not believing you." (hoping that he had forgotten about what i had said) To which he replied "You can't be talking Mom, you told me to dry it up!" So much for him not remembering! So, he's got a cast on for 6wks, but the dr said he can start playing again in 3 wks. (YIKES! Not sure I want him to) He is so disappointed, he was absolutely ecstatic about finally getting to play football for deZavala and the first game he gets hurt. I told him "oh well, theres always next year". I'm hoping he'll lose his zeal for the game by then, but I'm pretty sure thats not gonna happen. He LOVES it, just like his dad. He can't wait to play for the Rebels like Lon did. The next few years are gonna be nerve wracking for ole Mom.

1 comment:

Arlene Kasselman said...

Neither of our kids are tough it out play through the pain kinda's people. This whole scenario seemed so familiar. Last year Michaela woke up on the morning of her one TAKS test and did not feel well etc. It was the one in 4th grade that you can not make up. I got her off to school and encouraged her to just go with it and hang in there. She did and when I picked her up she looked sick. I took her to the doctor and found out that she had strep and the flu - the poor girl felt like a dog and we had ignored her. Oh well, when every little scrape is like major surgery you never can tell.