Monday, October 16, 2006


Wow! It's been over a month since I've posted. I just can't seem to catch up, i feel like I'm always running from one thing to the next and not doing a very good job of anything. About March of last year I was called into leadership in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), even though I did not feel in any way that I was "leadership material", I honestly felt God's calling on my life to do this. The area I was asked to lead was in the children's area. I am not in any way a "kid" person, but I felt the Holy Spirit would equip me in all areas that I was lacking. So, I agreed and have been a Children's Leader since March. It is a pretty big time committment and this year I have felt overwhelmed with my home responsibilities, BSF, job(Weds & Fridays) kids, etc,etc. I have prayed & prayed about this, I don't want to let anything slide, but it seems that lately everything is sliding. Even though I really feel that this is where God wants me, sometimes I just want to scream "I QUIT!" but then I remember that it isn't about what I want, but being obedient to His will. My problem is that I am so disorganized and I don't use my time wisely, both things I need to work on and BSF is forcing me to do this. So, here i sit blogging instead of getting my lesson done that I am behind on (as usual). Well, enough about that.
Another thing that I'm grouchy about, our Rebels lost to the Sandies AGAIN!! The last 2 years they have basically beaten themselves, very frustrating. My bro-in-law says the sandies always find a way to win, even if they have to cheat. (Actually, I added that last part) But seriously, we really got jobbed by the refs this year. I know....Waaaahh, waaahhh. And then, don't EVEN get me started on the Sooners, we all know they got screwed, and then to add insult to injury Adrian Peterson breaks his collarbone and is out for the season. The football gods are just not smiling on our teams. Except for Barrett's team, they are undefeated!!!Yea!! Today was his second week back after breaking his arm. He plays with his cast on. It comes off in about 10 days, can't wait, that thing stinks to high heaven!!!
Just got back from spending the weekend at a scrapbooking retreat. I don't do retreats very often (scrapbook, spiritual or otherwise) because when it gets nighttime, I like to go to bed with my husband in my own bed, not climb up on a bunk bed that was built for an 8yr old!! But, I agreed to this one because I am so behind on my scrapbooking, I haven't done much of anything since I started leadership. It was a great weekend of fellowship with friends and I'm really glad I went. My Creative Memories consultant was called in to BSF leadership about the same time I was and we had a great heart to heart talk, she is struggling with the very same issues that I am, concerning juggling BSF, job, motherhood etc,etc.It was good to find that we have an ally in each other, not to mention a prayer partner. But, spending the weekend doing that, just threw me that much more behind on my Bible study and my house looks like a pigsty!! Don't know that I'll ever be completely caught up.......

1 comment:

Arlene Kasselman said...

From a chronic "putter awayer of things" let me offer this - you are doing what matters most.