Saturday, September 02, 2006

My son would say I'm a "newb"

well, here I go....I have decided to dive into this blogging thing with full disclosure that I am ...well I guess the politically correct term for would be "technologically challenged"! I'm sure that is pretty obvious, by the fact that I still capitalize proper nouns and type in full words and sentences! When I see what my son types to his friends, it is apparent that they use abbreviations and numbers and symbols for everything! Oh well, I'm old school, but learning! In fact, while I have been setting this blog up, both of my kids have come in to see what I'm doing, when I told them, they were incredulous! "Mom, YOU are going to do a blog? NO WAY!!" Well, ....way. So, this boring little blog will be mainly about our family and our comings and goings and the occasional "hmmm.... I wonder" thought that goes through my brain.
Today was a good day in our family because the Sooners won. (Just barely...might be a long season since we lost our cheater QB!)
Looking forward to tomorrow, as our pastor and one from another church (different denomination) are "trading pulpits" for the day. I love our preacher and will defenitely miss him, but I look forward to hearing Jim Shelburne preach at our church. Very exciting for our church and defenitely a step in a new, positive direction. Things they are a changin' for our church and I am soooo excited about what the future holds. God is moving in this body! I love it. Has been a long time coming. Well, I better get some sleep because I am in NO WAY a morning person and that alarm in the a.m. just irritates the crap out me.

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