Wednesday, November 28, 2007

True thanksgiving

Last Sunday, our preacher was out of town, so he asked our music minister to put together a Thanksgiving service. So, Steven had these 2 white boards up front where you could go up and write something you were thankful for. I usually don't participate in that kind of thing just because I feel too self-concious. Ordinarily, I would just make a mental list of some of things I am thankful for. But, after sitting through most of the service Sunday and running through my mental list, I realized that if I wrote everything down, I would be up there all day. However, I really felt compelled to go down and write at least one thing. This was it..."I am thankful for Barrett's successful surgery and the skill and expertise of Dr. Gerald Malkuch and Dr. Mike Wilkerson." Two days before Thanksgiving, Barrett had to have surgery. Not anything earth-shattering, but surgery (w/ full anesthesia) none the less. There is nothing quite like the feeling of watching your child being wheeled away to be anesthetized and cut open. Talk about trust, you are placing your complete trust in several people, that they know what they are doing with your kid. But, I had complete peace of mind this time. (As opposed to the last time he had surgery when he was about 2, that time I was a basket case!) This time, one of the things I prayed for was peace of mind and no fear for Lon & I. Guess what? It worked!! I didn't tell alot of people about the surgery, just due to the personal nature of it, I didn't want to embarrass Barrett any more than necessary. But, I did tell my BSF leaders circle and a few of our close friends and family and I felt so covered in prayer that day. It was the most secure feeling. While we were waiting for him to come out of surgery, our cell phones rang off the hook, with people checking on us and wondering how it was going. The people that God has put in our lives to "stand in the gap" for us is amazing and all I can say is thankyou, thankyou thankyou. Barrett came thru the surgery with flying colors thanks to those 2 amazing doctors with their God-given talents. There are so many things I have to be thankful for that I won't go into here, but suffice it to say, this Thanksgiving Day, I was one thankful girl!