Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer reading list....

Well, my summer reading list was (is) quite long, but I am making headway. In June, I read the latest in the Teashop Mystery Series that I have been following for a couple of years. Though VERY light reading, I have enjoyed them because they are set in Charleston, SC and have alot of historical stuff in them, which I love. However, I decided after this last one, that they are a little too "light" (even for the pool :-) and it is getting hard to distinguish one from the other. So, that is crossed off my list. Next on the list, on my Mother's recommendation, was David Baldacci's "Wish You Well", an excellent uplifting story. Kind of a departure for Baldacci, who usually writes murder mysteries. I loved it. Then, a friend from church & I were discussing Eckhart Tolle's "New Earth", which I had heard some negative things about and she told me that she & her husband had really found it to be very helpful, and that I shouldn't judge it until I had read it. OK.....she had a point. So I read it and, honestly it was the hardest thing to get through. So much psycho-babble, new age crap. Somehow, my friend had gleaned from this book that this man is a Christ follower, which, I guess he is. But, he is also a Buddha follower, a Zen master follower, a Hindhu follower, all of which he puts on the same level as Jesus Christ. And never once does he claim the Deity of Christ, just that he was an enlightened teacher. The sad thing is that so many people are being misled into thinking this is truth. IT IS NOT!!! I hated this book, it disturbed me alot.
The last book I just finished, was just the opposite, I absolutely loved it. It was William Young's "The Shack". I can't quite put into words just yet how it affected me. Very overwhelming. There is so much to digest. I finished it a couple days ago, but it is still running through my mind. I know it is one that I will have to re-read a few times. My friend Arlene was right to advise me that it is not one to be checked out from the library, rather, I need to own this book, in order to be able to go back to it over & over.
So, that is the list so far. I have been meaning to read the "Twilight" series that my daughter loves so much. She owns all 3, has read all of them at least twice and is on the advance list for the next book in the series, which will be released August 2. I feel like a bad mom, because this kind of snuck up on me. By the time I realized she was so hooked on this series, she had already read 2 of the 3. Some moms @ church have said they are not allowing their girls to read them, and looked at me with raised eyebrows when I told them Gracen had read all 3 books (more than once actually). (Every one of my daughter's friends are reading them and it has become quite a phenomenon among that age set.) Basically, from what I gather, its a love story that involves vampires, slightly steamy, but not any overt sex. Definitely targeted for this age of audience. So, even though I'm not one to react to what others think (Gracen read and loved all the Harry Potter books) I still need to read these books, just to know what is going on.

On a slightly different subject, I went to see "Mamma Mia" last night with my mother and sister. LOVED IT!!! Of course, I have loved it ever since Lon & I saw it in Las Vegas several years ago. I was a big ABBA fan back in the day......I had "Dancing Queen" on a 45 and played it over and over, singing into my hairbrush microphone. I was in 7th grade. And of course, who could forget "Supa-pa, Troupa-pa"? I remember me & my friends singing along to that song on the bus going on the church ski trip to Angel Fire. That was probably my jr. year.......great memories>