Monday, October 30, 2006

Out of the loop

I really feel out of the loop considering I have never seen one single episode of 24! Everyone who watches it seems to be addicted. Well, I have my own tv addictions, Rachel Ray & Alton Brown. I don't think I can squeeze in any more! Even tho I am completely inept in the kitchen (if it can't be opened with a can opener, it's probably not in my kitchen!) I am completely addicted to the Food Network, but purely for the entertainment value. It just fascinates me that they can make it look so completely effortless. I know that RR has a whole legion of people that hate her perkiness, I think she is just hilarious. (and I usually am really annoyed by perky) and AB, if you've never seen him, I highly recommend his show Good Eats, very entertaining! Especially if you have ever wondered why it is bad to overmix pancake batter! :-) However, there are 2 new shows that I love. So here goes, confession time, Gene Simmons-Family Jewels and Little People,Big World. (I think they are both on A & E) I thought the Simmons family would be just like the Osbornes, but not so. Gene Simmons has managed to raise what appear to be 2 really level headed, nice kids. They don't spew profanity with every breath and don't seem to be spoiled brats. Gene's a little weird, but who didn't expect that?
LPBW is about a family of little people parents who have 4 kids, only 1 of which is a little person. It shows that they are a normal family dealing with normal "family stuff" but also overcoming the obstacles that come from being little. It is really a cool show.
Well.....upcoming gubernatorial (sp?) election....what to do, what to do. Normally, I'm Republican, but I'm not real impressed with Rick Perry. (one of my family said about him "He may be an idiot, but he's our idiot!"-hmmmm thats scary!) I have been the black sheep in our family ever since i voted for Ann Richards in 1990, but she was a good governor and i'm not sorry i voted for her. (Hello??? does anyone remember Clayton Williams? enough said) Carol Strayhorn seems like a good choice, just don't know enough about her yet, but i will educate myself about ALL the candidates positions so that i can make an informed vote. Not voting is just not an option. i find it so exciting to be able to vote and usually take my kids with me so they can see democracy in action and show them that everyones vote is important. OK, no more preaching. I find Kinky intriguing, but he really turned me off on his commercials when he quoted the Bible and called himself the "Good Shepherd".....Uhhh, sorry dude, not even close, I'm pretty sure that parable was talking about Jesus, not a candidate for TX governor!! Besides, when MN experimented with an out of the box candidate, I don't think it worked out so well. All this to say, I'm not that thrilled with any of the choices, so I'll do my research and see, who knows? maybe Chris Bell is my guy, but I doubt it. We'll see.


Arlene Kasselman said...

Caught your comment on Angela's blog - glad I could entertain you :-). Seriously, I have had such a real world reality check.

Arlene Kasselman said...

Given that I don't get to vote...I would probably just go with Kinky so I could say his name. How fun to have to say Kinky 20 times per day and not have people look at you like you are ....kinky?

Actually - anyone but Perry in my book, simply based on his hair. I just want to get loose in it with my hands and some good hairproduct. Yikes, the feathered back sides went out of style when....How long does that do' take him?

I know, this is me in my deep moments.