Tuesday, January 09, 2007

OK....last post was about Halloween, where did those 2 months of my life go? I'm sure if there ever were any people reading this blog, they have long since given up on me by now, but who am I kidding, I really don't think anyone reads this. Halloween, that seems like ancient history. It seems like the minute I shut the door on the last trick or treater, I jump on board the runaway train that is Nov/Dec and it is all a blur until sometime in January! I do, however, want to talk about a new experience that I had over the holidays, not a pleasant one I might add, but one that almost everyone I know has had and I'm now a member of "the club". That is, hitting a deer with my car. VERY SCARY! Actually, I need to correct that, the deer hit me, NOT the other way around. Honestly, it was after dark and I was going back to Childress, TX from taking my mom and aunt to their uncle's funeral and I happen to look over and make eye contact with this huge deer seconds before he (actually I think it was a "she") rammed into my car. It pretty well crunched in the whole driver's side of my car, as well as completely sheering off my left rear view mirror. That is the sickest feeling, my mind was reeling about what to do. Should I go back? What if the poor thing is still laying there, severely wounded, but not dead. But, as my mother asked me, what were we (an 80yr old, a 66yr old and me-a spry 42) going to do about it if it was. So, I just said a little prayer that the poor animal was killed instantly and tried not to think about it. Thank God I didn't hit it head on, which could have totaled my car or we could have rolled and someone been seriously hurt. Still, a very unnerving experience to say the least, but now when I tell that story, almost everyone says that they have done the same thing. In fact on the way to the funeral that morning, in about the same area, my aunt warned me to be careful because that was where she had hit a deer and her son had also hit one in this area. So.... if there is anyone reading this and you happen to be around Childress, TX, be very careful. What I'm wondering is... why do they do that? Why would they run toward the highway where cars are? It seems like they would shy away from it. If anyone knows, please enlighten.
Speaking of unnerving experiences, our oldest son turned 13 on Sunday! Everyone has warned me about the hazards of having a teenager in the house. But, knock on wood and praise God, he is a great kid and hasn't given us one minutes trouble (other than his incredibly scraggly long hair!) or reason not to trust him. He is turning into this amazing person that I am proud to call my son, but not only that, I really enjoy conversations with him, he is a neat kid. It just seems like the last 13 years have gone by in the blink of an eye and when I think that 13 years from now, he will have been a grown man for some time and will probably have a family of his own, it just blows me away!
Christmas was wonderful. Our family tried a new experience this year. Our church, for the first time, had a Christmas Eve Candlelight service. We loved it. It was so simple yet so very moving. It felt good to take time out and have some reverence for Christ's birth instead of standing around gorging on fudge and playing cards (not that there's anything wrong with that! :-) It was pretty emotional for me to sit there on the pew with our whole family and just focus on Christ and how blessed we are and be so thankful for my salvation. I think standing there in the darkened chapel with all the candles glowing and surrounded by my family, both physical and spiritual, it seemed like a little glimpse of heaven. Steven, if you are reading this, you did an awesome job and I hope it will be the first of many more Christmas Eve Services. God bless you and your family.
Well, on to the new year! I will try to be a better blogger!


Arlene Kasselman said...

Oh yes, you still have readers! I do think it is kinda' funny that we live some place that hitting a dear would be a shared, common experience. Interesting reminder for a city girl like me!

Steven J Bruce said...

Thanks for the comments on Christmas Eve. It really was a wonderful night of worship. I was overwhelmed to see so many people show up! I am hoping that this is the first of a wonderful new tradition (contrary to what some may think, I'm not against all traditions :-)

Steven J Bruce said...

oh yeah, and stay away from deers! :-)

Steven J Bruce said...

I guess that would be deer...