Saturday, February 10, 2007

You're gonna put that where?

Well, I have put it off for 2 years now, but , this week, I am going for my first colonoscopy (that word even LOOKS gross!) My dr. recommended I get one when I turned 40 (2yrs ago!) since my dad had colon cancer in 1999. Everyone (including Katie Couric) tells me "Oh, its not that bad, you probably won't even remember it." You mean to tell me that having someone I've never met ram something akin to a garden hose up my butt is "not that bad"? Compared to what?....Well, thank goodness for mind erasing drugs hopefully they are right. I'll see how it goes!


Arlene Kasselman said...

seriously, I am such a medical wimp, and it is nothing!

Angie Bruce said...

Okay, this is one of the funniest things I've read in a while. We're going to have to meet each other...I think we would be great friends. =)