Saturday, March 10, 2007

Things I learned this week

1) Track (the sport) blows goats.

2) Even when a sport blows goats, if your kid is participating in it, you will willingly attend said sport and cheer your fool head off like a maniac. (making a complete "jack-donkey" out of yourself in the process!!)
3) When your kid has success in a sport that you thought blew goats, suddenly, it's not so bad anymore, and the thought of standing out in the weather for hours on end to watch him participate doesn't seem to blow goats as bad as you thought it would.
4) I HATE cigarette smoke! (OK, I already knew this, but it was reaffirmed this week, during a complete allergic meltdown to said smoke) Cigarettes blow goats, but there are quite a few people that I love dearly who smoke. So...., love the people, hate the cigs.
5) Having my daughter get her hair cut into a more updated and sophisticated style that makes her look older than she really is makes me sad, even though she LOVES it.
6) We serve an awesome God (OK, already knew this too, it was just reaffirmed in a couple of ways this week!!)

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