Sunday, March 11, 2007

Colonoscopys REALLY aren't that bad

One more colonoscopy post and I promise never to mention it again. I must say that "they" (the van patton family-only diehard letterman fans will get that reference) were right when "they"(the van patton family) said that getting a colonoscopy wasn't that bad. I don't remember a thing about the actual procedure. Actually, the last thing I DO remember is the dr. saying to the nurse "Ready to give her the medicine?" And what good medicine it was, I wouldn't mind having a little of that stuff to sprinkle in my diet Pepsi on those nights when I can't sleep! Anyway, the biggest "pain in the butt" about the whole thing was the night before and also that stuff they give you to drink is really disgusting. Not to mention the whole checking into the hospital thing. Major pain for a minor procedure. Why can't it be done in the dr's ofc? Also, I was really dreading getting an IV, I'm a big weenie when it comes to needles. So, the nurse comes in to put the IV in and she starts trying to stick it in and I thought "Wow, that REALLY hurts." But I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want her to know I was a weenie. Finally, she says "Gee this needle is really dull, you know, every once in a while we get a bad one. That must have really hurt. I think I'll do it over again because I don't like the way it looks." Well, by this time, I am really getting light headed and am pretty sure I'm going to pass out, so she let me lay back for a while before attempting it again. The second try (with a new, sharp needle) was a success! Yea! After that was over I'm thinking it is gonna be smooth sailing from here on out, which it was. they(the van patton family) are wheeling me into the operatory there are various "medical looking" people coming in there, one of which was a young nice looking guy in scrubs, I didn't think much about him. Then the dr comes in and says "Mrs. Packard, this is Mr. So & so, he is my catheter rep. Do you mind if he watches?" Was he kidding? No he wasn't. So me, being a weenie, said "I guess." But I was thinking, "Suuuuure, in fact, why stop with him, step out in the hall and see if there are any other salesmen out there who would like to get a look at my colon, bring 'em all in, the more the merrier!" As always, I'm always thinking great stuff to say in my head that I'm too chicken to say out loud. At least I don't THINK I said it out loud, but I'm not sure, that medicine kinda scrambled things up a bit. There that's the last anyone has to hear about my colon. I hope


Arlene Kasselman said...

So your card says....

Arlene Kasselman said...

Nothing to do with Colonoscopys...

1. It was so awesome seeing you up there on the screen today - I am proud of you for allowing God to work through you. Such a great lesson for me!

2. What does "blows goat mean" - definately a cultural translation needed here.

Arlene Kasselman said...

Okay, thanks - that is what I had assumed, but would rather be safe than sorry! Lon would think I was such a dork.

Okay, lunch it is. What about next week sometime? WE have the minister/elder retreat tomorrow through Saturday. See you Sunday