Monday, October 01, 2007

I simply remember my favorite things.......

Well, I'm kinda in an Oprah mood and thought I would list some of my favorite things. Some are minor and frivolous and others not. Please leave a comment about some of your favorite things. (But who am I kidding, I know that only one person reads this blog, so.....Arlene please list some of your favorites! :-) keeping in mind that Starbuck's coffee is a given!!

1) Burts Bees Lipbalm (the mint kind, not the honey kind)
2) cool crisp fall mornings
3) Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion (this stuff keeps your eyeshadow in place all day AND it comes in a really cool little "I Dream of Jeanne" looking bottle.)
4) the new Ulta store, I could stay in there for hours. (thats how i found the eyeshadow primer)
5) Jamaican Me Crazy coffee (blend of Kahlua, Carmel and Vanilla) YUM!
6) Ghiradelli milk chocolate squares w/caramel-heaven!
7) my daughter NOT having a gerbil in her room any more!
8) Maizie's little "I'm so happy to see you!!" circle dance that she does EVERY time I come home, even if I've only been gone a few minutes.
9) the fact that Gracen contemplated baptism all summer and made the decision that it was "time" on Sunday, Sept. 9......the day before my birthday. What a gift!
10)Youth ministers that are totally invested in my kids' spiritual growth.
11)my boss surprising the staff with a trip to Dallas later this month, staying in a "foo-foo" hotel downtown and treating us to "foo-foo" restaurants. very nice.
12) the fact that my kids still act like they know me when I take them lunch @ school, even hugging me goodbye in front of their friends.
13) james avery earrings for my birthday!!!!!
14)my new i-pod, even though not completely sure how to use it yet. :-) (my bro-in-law informed me the other day that Lon & I were the ONLY ones @ the town club that didn't have them, to which I replied "I know, its great, we can discuss anything or anyone, and nobody is the wiser!!")
15)Lon & I working out together @ the town club, just talking about the day.
16)the new sushi place downtown.


The Core/Old School said...

Okay here are my favorite things...this now makes 2 people that read you blogs!

1. My son's exuberant smile when I go get him out of bed in the morning!

2. The shopping on Newbury St. in Boston.

3. My Aldo black flats.

4. ALDO in general!

5. The knock out roses in my front flowerbeds!

6. Orange Pledge spray and the way it makes my couches shine!

7. Our LIVE THE DREAM women's conference...check it out at

8. Gap's Basic lightpink one with the small pocket...its my favorite thing to wear on my day off!

9. Starbucks...white chocolate mocah!

10. The Message Bible. Every verse speaks directly to my spirit!

Arlene Kasselman said...

Someone beat me to the comments! Sheesh.
1. Playing Goober's Lab on my kids Webkinz accounts. I know...
2. Starbucks White Mocha
3. Spicy Chicken Sandwhich at Wendy's - everyone else goes there for salads, not me!
4. Lindt, chocolate balls
5. Soaking in the bath - love that!
6. Maeve Binchy books - for when I actually get to read fiction.
7. When someone chooses to express gratitude or happiness about the ministers or church in general. Rare but welcomed.
8. Weekend away trips with David - far and few between, but awesome whenever they happen.
9. Chris Tomlin concerts.
11.A few necklaces I have from Silpada jewelry parties.
12.James Avery swirly ring and the African looking one.
13.Hot Tea at 10:00pm every night with my husband....made by him, I know it's a sweet deal, baby.

susan said...

Thanks Arlene, I was beginning to wonder if you were mad at me! (kidding :-)

susan said...

Oh and arlene, I'm totally with you on the spicy chicken sandwich!

Amanda said...

Awesome list!